Brent Friends of the Earth Press Statement
For Immediate release 31st October 2014
Brent FoE says No to Fracking in Brent
In response to London Local Energy's application for a licence to frack for shale gas in Park Royal, Brent, Ian Saville joint Co-ordinator of Brent Friends of the Earth (Brent FoE) says,
“We resolutely oppose fracking in Brent, or anywhere else, and urge Brent Council to turn down the application by London Local Energy to site a well head in Park Royal. Fracking is a dirty technology that may seriously damage our health, environment and is very likely to worsen climate change. Shale gas is a dirty fossil fuel that will add to the dangerous levels of greenhouse gases in the environment. It should be left in the ground.
Regulatory systems are not strong enough to protect against leaks of toxic chemicals used in the fracking process. This threatens our soil and water supplies. Fracking uses vast quantities of water - in the region of 4 million gallons per well head – which are lost to public supply.
We cannot count on fracking to reduce our fuel bills. Instead we need to invest in renewables and energy saving to heat our homes.”
Brent Friends of the Earth have been lobbying their MPs and parliamentary candidates about fracking in London.
For more information contact:
Ian Saville, Joint Co-ordinator of Brent FoE 07949 164793
Notes to editors
- Local news item about Brent Council's response to the drilling application
uk/news/local-news/fracking- north-west-london-anti- fracking-labour-8022410 - BBC news item about the licence
business-29807091 - Brent FoE met with Glenda Jackson MP earlier this week to lobby her about fracking -
fracking-lobbying-our-mps-and- new-threat-fracking-london - Fracking is a dirty word. The Government is threatening to puncture our green and pleasant land with countless fracking wells in a headlong dash for gas, with little thought for local people. Shale gas is a dirty fossil fuel that contributes to climate change, and poses serious local environmental risks such as water contamination and shortages. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest it won’t lower fuel bills, and it risks taking much-needed investment away from renewables and energy saving. For more information visit
- Brent Friends of the Earth has a website