Launching her campaign alongside Shahrar Ali outside the West Hampstead Women's Centre, the well-known writer and broadcaster said: "This venue was chosen to highlight one of the chief differences between the Green Party and the other major parties: we put at the absolute centre of our policies the sustainability of social relationships and the need for a fundamentally fair society."
"We stand for social justice, respect and equality between the genders and the generations. And we don't think that slicing public services to ribbons can be the way forward for British society."
"I've spent my life campaigning for the disadvantaged women and men, who need services and support in their lives, as do we all at some time or another. Taking that away will cause irreparable damage to our society."
Beatrix said that voters were increasingly recognising that investing in sustainable economies demands radical reform of the way we do housing, transport, urban planning, farming and shopping.
"This electorate, Hampstead and Kilburn, I know contains many voters who recognise this fact. The electoral system must change to adequately reflect the spectrum of opinion in British society."
"Until it does, voters can express their concerns about the "grey" parties who have dominated British politics in recent years by supporting candidates, such as I, who offer hope that politics could be different - better and braver about climate change, the conflict zones ravaging the world and the inequalities and injustices makes millions of lives a misery."
Shahrar Ali, Green Parliamentary candidate for Brent Central, said: "I am absolutely delighted to see Bea standing, as my neighbour, in the new Hampstead and Kilburn constituency, which includes parts of Brent where we have campaigned hard and polled consistently well over the past few years."
Update: Press coverage in Camden New Journal, "Greens author goes for Glenda's seat", and Brent Times, "Beatrix Campbell throws hat in ring" (page 2).
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