We have a democratic responsibility to oppose this government, 'End Austerity Now' national demonstration: Assemble 12pm Saturday 20 June, Bank of England (Queen Victoria Street), march to Parliament Square.
3 days to go! It's time to make that last dash to the finish line! Time to do everything we can to make this demonstration as big and effective as possible, and get all the final details in place.
'End Austerity Now' national demonstration: Assemble 12pm Saturday 20 June, Bank of England (Queen Victoria Street), march to Parliament Square. Full details...
Thunderclap: Sign up NOW!Help us make the demo trend world-wide, and send a strong message to David Cameron himself!Sign up NOW to our Thunderclap! Don't forget to use the hashtag #EndAusterityNow when talking about the demo online!
Can you Steward on June 20th? Sign Up NOW!We need a large team of super incredible volunteers to help us on the day! Please Sign Up NOW if you can help with this hugely important role, by clicking below:
PLEASE NOTE: All stewards must arrive at 9.30am at Bank Tube Station on June 20th. We also have a stewards briefing this Thursday evening at 6.30pm, which we are asking all stewards to attend if they can. We'll send you details of the meeting once you've signed up.
Interactive Bloc Plan: (Click the image to see more!)

This is simple and rough guide for groups and campaigns that would like to march together. However, feel free to go wherever you like!
Set up a regular donation!
We're already gearing up for action after June 20th, but we're going to need your ongoing support!Please donate £5 per month (or more!) help us ensure the momentum never drops and the next five years see a strong wave of action against austerity in every town and city of the UK! Click here to DONATE!
More on June 20th:
- Info for Coach Organisers
- Access and Short Route
- Travel to London
- Route Map
Some supportive messages to get you in the mood...
The People's Assembly Against Austerity
http://www.thepeoplesassembly. org.uk/
'End Austerity Now' national demonstration: Assemble 12pm Saturday 20 June, Bank of England (Queen Victoria Street), march to Parliament Square. Full details...
Thunderclap: Sign up NOW!Help us make the demo trend world-wide, and send a strong message to David Cameron himself!Sign up NOW to our Thunderclap! Don't forget to use the hashtag #EndAusterityNow when talking about the demo online!
Can you Steward on June 20th? Sign Up NOW!We need a large team of super incredible volunteers to help us on the day! Please Sign Up NOW if you can help with this hugely important role, by clicking below:
PLEASE NOTE: All stewards must arrive at 9.30am at Bank Tube Station on June 20th. We also have a stewards briefing this Thursday evening at 6.30pm, which we are asking all stewards to attend if they can. We'll send you details of the meeting once you've signed up.
Interactive Bloc Plan: (Click the image to see more!)
This is simple and rough guide for groups and campaigns that would like to march together. However, feel free to go wherever you like!
Set up a regular donation!
We're already gearing up for action after June 20th, but we're going to need your ongoing support!Please donate £5 per month (or more!) help us ensure the momentum never drops and the next five years see a strong wave of action against austerity in every town and city of the UK! Click here to DONATE!
More on June 20th:
- Info for Coach Organisers
- Access and Short Route
- Travel to London
- Route Map
Some supportive messages to get you in the mood...
Frances O'Grady - TUC General Secretary
“The TUC is proud to send greetings, solidarity and support to this timely People’s Assembly demonstration. Today ordinary people are joining together in their thousands to send a clear message to the new government: no more brutal austerity, senseless cuts and ideological privatisations. That’s why trade unions will continue to fight for a real alternative based on investment, public ownership and strong rights for working people. Together we can build a fairer, more equal, more hopeful country”.
Charlotte Church - Singer and Activist “I’ll be there in London on 20th June, not just because it’ll be loads of fun, but because staying at home and doom-mongering doesn’t do anyone any good. The government are using diversionary tactics to distract us from the burglary that’s about to take place. Fox-hunting is not something we need to be talking about. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is! We need to show the government that we see through the lies they’ve told us about the state of our economy. Austerity is but another shiny bauble to bewilder us with, and yet the cuts that are taking place threaten, not just livelihoods, but lives. This government is extreme in it’s ideology and is a genuine threat to our freedoms, our privileges and our economic future. We have a democratic responsibility to oppose this government, and we can sing songs while we do it. Let’s do something good!”
Sam Fairbairn - General Secretary of The People's Assembly"This government is acting as if a small majority in parliament gives them the green light for dictatorial rule without opposition. On Saturday 20 June the people will demonstrate mass opposition in our hundreds of thousands. It will be the start of a campaign of protest, strikes, direct action and civil disobedience up and down the country. We will not rest until austerity is history, our services are back in public hands and the needs of the majority are put first."
“The TUC is proud to send greetings, solidarity and support to this timely People’s Assembly demonstration. Today ordinary people are joining together in their thousands to send a clear message to the new government: no more brutal austerity, senseless cuts and ideological privatisations. That’s why trade unions will continue to fight for a real alternative based on investment, public ownership and strong rights for working people. Together we can build a fairer, more equal, more hopeful country”.
Charlotte Church - Singer and Activist “I’ll be there in London on 20th June, not just because it’ll be loads of fun, but because staying at home and doom-mongering doesn’t do anyone any good. The government are using diversionary tactics to distract us from the burglary that’s about to take place. Fox-hunting is not something we need to be talking about. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is! We need to show the government that we see through the lies they’ve told us about the state of our economy. Austerity is but another shiny bauble to bewilder us with, and yet the cuts that are taking place threaten, not just livelihoods, but lives. This government is extreme in it’s ideology and is a genuine threat to our freedoms, our privileges and our economic future. We have a democratic responsibility to oppose this government, and we can sing songs while we do it. Let’s do something good!”
Sam Fairbairn - General Secretary of The People's Assembly"This government is acting as if a small majority in parliament gives them the green light for dictatorial rule without opposition. On Saturday 20 June the people will demonstrate mass opposition in our hundreds of thousands. It will be the start of a campaign of protest, strikes, direct action and civil disobedience up and down the country. We will not rest until austerity is history, our services are back in public hands and the needs of the majority are put first."
Julie Hesmondhalgh - Actress
“I want to be part of a creative movement, full of imagination, righteous anger and humour, that tackles austerity head on. I'm full of hope that there is a groundswell in our country that want a better, fairer society. Despondency is the best friend of apathy and the enemy of hope.”
“I want to be part of a creative movement, full of imagination, righteous anger and humour, that tackles austerity head on. I'm full of hope that there is a groundswell in our country that want a better, fairer society. Despondency is the best friend of apathy and the enemy of hope.”
Michael Sheen - Actor“We must not let 'Austerity Measures' provide a cover for a systematic dismantling of the mechanisms of equality in this country. The TRUTH is that the financial crisis was caused by the unchecked desires for profit at the expense of responsibility in the financial sector. The TRUTH is that the danger of "welfare handouts" is a myth whereas the massive banking bailouts were a grotesque reality. There IS such a thing as society. TOGETHER we must use our democratic right to make our voices heard and SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER”
Christine Blower - General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers “It is scandalous that those on the lowest incomes are being forced to bear most of the pain of the damaging and misguided austerity programme. No family should have to rely on food banks in the sixth richest nation in the world. We must not sit back and let child poverty rocket as it is projected to do over the next few years. Pupils and students will be hit hardest by further cuts to education funding over the course of this Parliament. We know that education cuts never heal. I hope that many thousands of people will join the demonstration on 20 June to say now is the time to end austerity.”
Mick Cash - RMT General Secretary
“The fight against austerity is also the fight for job security, for decent pay and conditions and for rights at work. That struggle is now more essential than ever and must be fought not only directly with the bosses, but through mass protest and actions. Let’s have a massive turnout in London and Glasgow on 20th June.”
Maxine Peake - Actress
“Direct action is the only way to stem the constant ruthless attacks on our society by this arrogant and vicious system. If we don't stand up we will lose our most precious assets. Assets that have been fought so long and hard for. The NHS, Our Public services, Legal Aid, the list goes on. We don't have to take it, so we do have to Stand up on June 20th. Now is our time to say "We can see through your lies,Stop your mindless bullying No More!”
Mick Cash - RMT General Secretary
“The fight against austerity is also the fight for job security, for decent pay and conditions and for rights at work. That struggle is now more essential than ever and must be fought not only directly with the bosses, but through mass protest and actions. Let’s have a massive turnout in London and Glasgow on 20th June.”
Maxine Peake - Actress
“Direct action is the only way to stem the constant ruthless attacks on our society by this arrogant and vicious system. If we don't stand up we will lose our most precious assets. Assets that have been fought so long and hard for. The NHS, Our Public services, Legal Aid, the list goes on. We don't have to take it, so we do have to Stand up on June 20th. Now is our time to say "We can see through your lies,Stop your mindless bullying No More!”
Shappi Khorsandi - Comedian"I'm am joining the march on June 20th to END AUSTERITY NOW along side The People's Assembly because I simply don't buy what the government is telling me. The disabled, the poor, the disadvantaged are being demonised and punished with disgraceful cuts to public services. Those in power KNOW we have alternatives. We can't be passive bystanders as they dismantle our public services, and as they cripple our arts establishments. In our country, we can protest without being shot. Let's exercise this liberty!"
Paul McGann - Actor
“This government will have to keep the partisan promises it made to win power. Its backers will want their reward. In the guise of Austerity Measures rights will be curtailed, social divisions made worse, public assets stripped, child poverty increased, and all to ensure that the rich become a little bit richer. It's your democratic right to protest. Join us on 20th June. Together we can remind them what an opposition looks like, and a proper majority.”
See you (very) soon!“This government will have to keep the partisan promises it made to win power. Its backers will want their reward. In the guise of Austerity Measures rights will be curtailed, social divisions made worse, public assets stripped, child poverty increased, and all to ensure that the rich become a little bit richer. It's your democratic right to protest. Join us on 20th June. Together we can remind them what an opposition looks like, and a proper majority.”
The People's Assembly Against Austerity
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