15 Jun 2023

Brian Orr RIP




Brian Orr of Brent Green Party and a former activist in the London Federation of Green Parties died on Monday 12th June, after an illness which began in Autumn last year.


Brian played a crucial role in re-starting Brent Green Party as an effective political body and went on to steer it through the early decades of this century. He was unstinting as an organiser of campaigns and as a campaigner. As Party Chair and Election agent he ensured that the party stood candidates in local, regional and national elections, and also stood as a candidate himself.



Brian also worked with the London Federation of Green Parties as Treasurer during the time Noel Lynch was Chair of the Federation


Brian had a scientific background and training which informed his deep commitment to Green politics and ideas. Long before many others he was aware of the potentially catastrophic impacts of human-caused global climate change and its environmental feedbacks. He argued that this was manifesting itself in loss of biodiversity, especially of insects as the basis of the food chain. However he combined this understanding with a determination to enact these ideas politically as can be seen here


So, it is no surprise that he welcomed the intervention of Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion in the climate crisis campaign. In fact, he loved the development of ideas and politics through debate and his colleagues and comrades both in person and online. We will sorely miss provocative and insightful discussions with him.


He made a significant contribution, and we will miss him. We send our sympathy and condolences to Liz his partner and his family. 


Peter Murry and Martin Francis