11 Mar 2018

Fire and cold - time for justice for high-rise residents!

Fire and cold - time for justice for high-rise residents!

7 - 9 pm, 15 March, Crossroads Women's Centre, NW5 2DX 

Since the public meeting in January and our followup meeting in February, we've been forging ahead on this, working with residents in three estates to see what can be won, and getting some national attention on the fact that thousands of people are now freezing without insulation or cladding on their high-rise blocks, while others are still living in danger.  We've gathered a lot of really damning information about how the government, developers, and manufacturers -- and in particular the plastics industry -- have put residents at risk, and have put together a dynamite factsheet that will be a very useful tool; we have shared it with MPs and others before, and at, a parliamentary debate.  

Our position is: Central government, not residents, caused this national disaster, and central government, not residents, should pay to deal with it, and ensure that people can keep warm and dry, and cladding is replaced without delay.

At this meeting -- our regular monthly meeting postponed from 1 March because too many people couldn't make it in the snow -- we will present some of this information, before discussing demands, strategy, and next steps in this campaign, and how to build on our heightened media presence -- since last time, Radio London, BBC Victoria Derbyshire programme, BBC Channel 5 News, and ITN news (still to be broadcast), in addition to Vice and our letter in the Guardian on cladding.  

Your input would be very welcome!  If anyone can come from an estate affected by these or similar issues, you will have time to go into a bit more detail about your situation.  

There's also a lot more happening, on District Heating, energy prices and caps, our Mini-Guide, casework, the Mayor's London Plan, fracking, divesting from fossil fuels  . . . please keep urgent reports to a couple of minutes.  Some reports can carry over to the following meeting -- 5 April in Stockwell to allow more time to work out our strategy on cladding and insulation, and to discuss some ideas on how to bring in more people who can help with FPA's work on a weekly basis, and also to get funding for it!
As always, the venue is fully wheelchair accessible.  It really helps if you have a minute to indicate if you're

Hope to see you there, or soon.  


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